Posts Tagged ‘doctor’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

Back in 1992 I attended a Men’s Retreat that had Ben Kinchlow, former co-host of the 700 Club, as the speaker. I remember one great story that he told regarding planning for the future:

A man confessed to his friend, “I’m not happy; I’d like to be a doctor.”

“Well, go ahead,” replied the friend.

“No, that will take ten years and I’ll be 50 by then.”

“How old will you be if you don’t become a doctor?” was the astute reply.

Kinchlow concluded, we’ve got to plan for success, because it doesn’t just happen.

What is your dream? What has God prepared you to become and do? What does age have to do with that higher purpose? Go for it even if it takes ten years.

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