Archive for January, 2013


   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Spiritual Gifts

In continuing his teaching on rules for order with spiritual gifts in the assembly of the saints, Paul comments on one person being quiet and letting another speak what has been revealed to them (v. 30): “For you may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted” (1 Corinthians 14:31).

Messages in tongues were limited to two or at the most three per meeting, and must be interpreted ( v. 27). Likewise, prophecy was limited to two or three per meeting, and to be judged (v. 29). But, here Paul says that “you may all prophesy“, which looks like a contradiction.

The difference is, in verse 31 Paul is not giving restraining limitations to prophecy, but releasing us to ministry. Any one of us may prophesy, as the Lord speaks to our hearts. Prophecy isn’t limited to a few prophets with influence. Every one of us believers has the potential to speak what God has revealed to us to teach and comfort others. The limitation has to do with the assembly of the saints, so other things can be accomplished, as well. But when it comes to personal ministry, there is no limitation.

I think some of the best ministry at New Hope takes place in the aisles and hallways as people gather with their friends and share what God is doing in their lives, sharing their pain and disappointments. That is when every individual has an opportunity to speak what God has taught us to someone else.

The Holy Spirit has the contract to build the Lord’s church. But you and I are the contractors. Let’s go to work.




   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Spiritual Gifts

The Apostle Paul is giving rules for order in the ministry of spiritual gifts in a public assembly. He continues, “If any thing be revealed to another that sits by, let the first hold his peace” (1 Corinthians 14:30).

When it comes to spiritual gifts, there must be an order for everything in the church. Spiritual gifts do not bring chaos; people functioning in the flesh with spiritual gifts bring chaos. Spiritual gifts are the power of God to reveal something as a tool for ministering to them. In the hands of competitive-minded people or jealous people (qualities of the soul, not spirit), spiritual gifts become a weapon. This is why Paul inserted his teaching on Agape Love in chapter 13, between chapters 12 and 14 regarding spiritual gifts. This is sometimes called the Pentecostal sandwich, because love is the meat of the matter, not the gifts.

So, if one person is sharing a prophetic word with the group, and God inspires another from that word, the first should back off and let his brother/sister speak. I was once in a meeting where God was giving a spiritual message (not a sermon) through one person, and right in the middle of the thought, another person picked up right where the first left off, and soon, a third person did the same thing. Three persons giving one message. And it all flowed together. “In the mouth of two or three witnesses” is where God’s word is confirmed.

Obviously, he is not telling us that people should jump up and interrupt the pastor’s message on Sunday morning. He is telling us that everything must be done in order in God’s church, both in large assemblies and in small.

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   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Spiritual Gifts

Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the others judge” (1 Corinthians 14:29).

Having just given advice for the use of tongues in a public meeting, Paul now progresses to prophecy in public meetings. Remember, prophecy is equal to messages in tongues with interpretation, so similar rules apply: only two or three at a public meeting. Much of chapter 14 has been dedicated to explaining the differences between tongues and prophecy, but both are spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:10), and supernatural in origin. They are both God speaking to His people.

Often I find myself saying something unintended in my sermons that is likely prophetic in nature, and I can’t take the credit. That’s the way spiritual gifts operate. You won’t find them in churches that don’t recognize or seek spiritual gifts, and they can’t be planned in advance. We can pray for them, and they can operate in a pastor’s private study as he/she prepares for a message.

Note also that Paul says, after the prophets speak, that the others should judge. In the first year of my experience with the Holy Spirit, I was invited to go with my pastor who spoke at a Pentecostal church in Harlan. I was a novice but eager to learn. The pastor who invited me was speaking on the topic, ‘How to Judge Prophecy’. When the Harlan pastor introduced him to the church he mentioned the topic and said, “If prophecy is a word from God, I don’t know how can we judge it”. He was seriously challenging the concept of judging a prophecy.

If we don’t judge words of prophecy when they come our way, we will be most gullible. Prophecy will always confirm something that God has already been saying to us. If a prophet tells us to leave our spouses and become hermits, should we judge that? Not everyone has the maturity to discern what God is saying.

But, if a prophet/prophetess shares a word that confirms what God has already said, how fulfilling is that!?

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   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Spiritual Gifts

Paul, in giving a list of rules for spiritual gifts in the church, had just said that messages in tongues should be limited to two or three at the most, one at a time, and each interpreted. In today’s verse he addresses the issue of no interpreter present: “But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God” (1 Corinthians 14:28).

That can be embarrassing. A person steps out in faith and gives a message in tongues, but no one interprets that message. If we don’t allow ourselves some room to grow, we’ll just shut up and never try again. I’ve made mistakes and missed God before. Is it better to try and fail or never to try and miss God all the time?

None of us have a “corner” on God. All these spiritual gifts come from Him, not us. Paul tried to use spiritual gifts and ended up beaten and in prison. But, we’ve got to allow others to step up and partner with us in spiritual gifts.

I remember as a young believer being at a prayer meeting when someone brought forth a message in tongues. We waited. I had an impression that God was saying something, but was afraid to speak out. Pretty soon an older lady spoke out with the same message God had put in my heart. She used different wording than I would have, but the message was the same. That emboldened me to speak out the next time.

But Paul is very clear: if there is no one to interpret, that person should pray to him/herself and to God. Don’t give another message in that meeting.

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   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Spiritual Gifts

If any man speaks in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret” (1 Corinthians 14:27).

Now, here the Apostle Paul gives specific advice on public messages in tongues. Notice he doesn’t want the entire time together to be just messages in tongues, rather, he puts a limitation of two or three per meeting. Tongues should never be the centerpiece of a group meeting, unless, of course, the whole purpose is prayer. There are other spiritual gifts that should be exercised by various people when we all come together.

He also tells us that those gifts should operate “by course“, meaning one at a time. Wait for the interpretation of the first message before we race into the next.

And when there is a message, there should be only one interpretation per message. What would it accomplish if God brought forth through a believer a message in tongues, and two different people gave two different interpretations? That would not only be a confused God, but a confused body, as well.

And, it appears on the surface, the interpretation should be from someone other than the speaker; that would embrace teamwork. And any group that considers itself a body should also work as a team.

To allow these gifts to operate in a group, there needs to be reflective time as the group waits upon God to move. Let’s face it, in the 21st Century we’re just too rushed to wait upon God.




   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Spiritual Gifts

How is it then, brothers [what will this look like]? When you come together, every one of you has a psalm, has a doctrine, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done to edify” (1 Corinthians 14:26).

The Apostle Paul has already laid out a logic for the use of spiritual gifts in general, and now he moves into some practical guidance for the ministry of spiritual gifts in an assembled group of Christians. What will a free use of spiritual gifts look like in church? Note, first of all, that these gifts are not supposed to function through just the pastor, or the person overseeing the group, but by “every one“. Obviously, not all are mature, so there needs to be oversight here. But the point is, we are a body, and every part needs to function.

He lists five specific ways people can use spiritual gifts in ministering: 1) a psalm (song); 2) a doctrine (a teaching); 3) a tongue (a message in tongues to the body); 4) a revelation (something God has revealed); 5) an interpretation (the interpretation of a message or prayer in tongues). I’m sure this is not a conclusive listing of how the Holy Spirit might work.

Most importantly, the underlying purpose of each of these is to “Let all things be done to edify” the body. Spiritual gifts must edify (build up), and never criticize or tear down.

The larger the group is, the greater the need for controls, but in the absence of a large facility, the 10,000+ member church at Corinth had numerous small groups without the oversight of a pastoral leader. Everyone needed encouraged to exercise spiritual gifts. So, I encourage you today to get with a group of believers and let God work through you.

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   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Spiritual Gifts, Uncategorized

The Apostle Paul had just said that if, in an assembly of the saints, all speak in tongues, will not an unbeliever present think you are all crazy. He continues to explain himself: “But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believes not, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all: and thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so falling down on his face he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth” (1 Corinthians 14:24-25).

Prophecy, on the other hand, is when we speak out in a common language what God has revealed to us. If many then speak out spiritual revelation (1 Corinthians 12:8-10), it will surely connect with someone’s deepest, hidden need. That’s what real prophecy does. I receive more praise for words I’ve spoken “by accident” than what I’ve prepared. And I can’t take credit for what the Lord says through me.

Did you notice the excitement in Pastor Stine this weekend when he referred to Elder Jim Otis’s comments during the Communion meditation Jim led? Jim had no idea he was confirming for Pastor Stine the word he had prepared to share. It brought life to Pastor Stine. That’s the kind of “coincidence” that spiritual gifts bring.

And this doesn’t just happen for believers, it happens in the presence of unbelievers, as well, opening their hearts to the gospel. The end result of opening spiritual gifts is that the unbeliever will fall “down on his face and will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth“.

That’s ministering in power. Let’s fill our private time in prayer in the Spirit, and our public time together with spiritual ministry that breaks through “accidentally”.

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