Posts Tagged ‘Shepherd’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in PSALM 23

He makes me to lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside the still waters” (Psalm 23:2)

The author, David, continues the word picture here in verse 2. The shepherd sets things up in our lives so we can “lie down in green pastures”. Sheep are forever grazing and searching for greener pastures. If I were a sheep, I would much rather eat green grass than brown grass from a bale. Sheep never stop grazing until they’re full. In other words, the Shepherd will lead me to where I will be so full I just want to lie down and rest. What a picture of God’s abundant blessings in our lives.

He also leads us to where the water is still. They tell me sheep don’t like to drink running water. It reminds me of me. I don’t like turbulence in my life. I like things calm and peaceful. The Psalm is teaching us that Jesus (the Shepherd) takes us down the path of peace and calm. That’s what I’m looking for. The Hebrew word here translated “leads” actually means, “tugs” or “pulls”. He puts gentle pressure on us to walk down that peace path.

How has the Shepherd put gentle pressure on you to find His peace?

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