Posts Tagged ‘passion’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

The word ‘Passion’ is a common word for the church today. But what does it really mean? Passion is not passive. It isn’t a “feeling” that we have inwardly. Passion is contagious and inspires others. If people don’t know what we’re passionate about, it really isn’t passion at all.

My wife knows I’m passionate about three things: space exploration, family history, and spiritual renewal. She knows this because when I learn or discover something new in these areas I light up. And when I light up, she lights up. She responds to my passion.

Passion expresses a release of energy. You can tell when someone is passionate about something, because they light up with excitement and light others up. That energy rubs off on others.

Discipleship requires a release of passionate energy or we bore others with our complacency. What are you passionate about? What lights you up? Invest in others with that passionate energy…that’s discipleship.

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