Posts Tagged ‘Johnson’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

American journalist and public commentator Bill Moyers served as White House press Secretary for President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1965-1967. On a certain occasion, Moyers, who also was an ordained minister, was asked to say grace before a meal in the family quarters of the White House.

Moyers, usually rather quiet and softspoken, began praying softly. President Johnson, usually loud, confident, and assertive, interrupted him with “Speak up, Bill! Speak up!”

The former Baptist minister from east Texas stopped in mid-sentence and without looking up replied steadily, “I wasn’t addressing you, Mr. President.”

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   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

Claudia Taylor, at age 21, was visiting at the home of a friend in Austin, Texas, when the lanky secretary of a congressman dropped in. The secretary invited Claudia to breakfast the next day. She listened with such enthusiastic interest that he decided to make a day of it with her. Before nightfall, he proposed marriage and she accepted! During the wedding ceremony, young Lyndon pressed upon the finger of his young bride a $2.50 ring purchased at Sears, Roebuck, and Company.

That may sound like a marriage destined for failure, but that’s the true story of how Lyndon B. Johnson first met Claudia “Ladybird” Taylor. Their marriage was of storybook proportions.

How long of a dating period did you have with Jesus before you made your decision to commit your life to Him?

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