Posts Tagged ‘integrity’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

A lady went to the grocery store to buy food in preparation to entertain guests. She stopped at the meat counter and asked the attendant for a large chicken. The butcher reached down into the cold storage compartment, grabbed the last chicken he had, and placed it on the scale. “This one weighs four pounds, Ma’am,” he said.

“I’m not sure that will be enough,” the woman replied. “Don’t you have a bigger one?” The attendant put the chicken back into the compartment, pretended to search through the melting ice for another one, and then brought out the same bird, discreetly applying some finger pressure to the scale. “Ah,” he said with a smile, “this one weighs six pounds.”

“I’m just not sure,” the woman frowned. “I’ll tell you what – wrap them both up for me!”

Numbers 32:23b says, “You may be sure that your sin will find you out.” Ever been caught in deception? What happened?

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   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

In a 1996 poll of business executives, Gallup discovered that 80 percent admit to driving while drunk, 35 percent overstate tax deductions, 75 percent take work supplies for personal use, and 78 percent use the company phone for personal long distance calls. A study by the Office of Technology Assessment determined that one-third of the US Government’s telephone bill is spent for personal calls.

Time theft and unauthorized absenteeism are also common offenses in the workplace. General Motors reports losing 9 percent of employee hours due to absenteeism. White-collar crime in the US is estimated at $40 billion per year.

Christians must remember that we are called to live a different life. Integrity pleases God and brings about a harvest of blessings. “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches” (Proverbs 22:1). Choose wisely.

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   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Investigating Integrity

A newspaper reported an unusual incident at a fast-food restaurant. The manager had put the day’s cash in a paper bag for deposit that night, but an attendant mistook it for an order and gave it to a couple at the drive-through window.

A short time later, when the man and woman opened the bag in a nearby park, they were shocked by its contents. They immediately drove back to return it.

The manager had already reported a robbery, so police cars and a TV crew were on the scene. How relieved he was to get the money back! He said to the couple, “You should be featured on the evening news for your honesty.”

“Oh, please, no publicity!” replied the man nervously. “She’s not my wife.”

People sometimes have a warped sense of integrity. This couple wanted to do the right thing on one hand, but were doing the wrong thing with the other.  What do you think makes people have such a double standard?

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   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Investigating Integrity

This week we’ll look at the topic of Integrity. In June of 1994, 62,000 men gathered at the Hoosier Dome in Indianapolis for an event called Promise Keepers. One goal of the conference was to challenge men to demonstrate integrity by adhering to the principles for godly living set forth in the Bible. According to one report, the men started meeting that goal right away.

During a break, the hallways were jammed with men. One hungry guy who was stuck by a food stand bought a hot dog, but the mustard was clear across the concourse. Undaunted, he handed the dog to the next man and requested, “Mustard.” Off it went.

The woman who sold the snack laughed and said, “Honey, you aren’t going to see that hot dog again.” “Yes, he will,” someone replied. “These guys are Christians.” Sure enough, the hot dog made it back – with mustard.

In a world when we can’t trust one another, Christians should be a beacon in the darkness. Have you seen integrity work in your world?
