Posts Tagged ‘illness’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

I rarely get sick but when I do, it’s a Duesey. I’ve spent the last several days home sick. I ran a fever, threw up, had an extremely painful sore throat, lost my voice entirely and ached all over. I’m in the office this afternoon, but had to stay isolated because I’m still running a low-grade fever (contagious).

I don’t know if my wife gave this to me or my granddaughter, Raegan!

My voice is pretty well gone every morning, but slowly comes back during the day. So, we’re trying a first-ever experiment this weekend. The video team is going to video my sermon Saturday night and be ready to show that teaching Sunday morning. If I’m well enough to speak that will be great. If I’m not, we’ll show the video. Its always good to have a plan.
