Posts Tagged ‘home’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

One morning a couple of cowpunchers went out on the range to bring in a wild steer from the mountains. They took along with them one of those shaggy little gray donkeys – a burro. Now a big three-year old steer that’s been running loose in the timber is a tough customer to handle. Nevertheless, these cowboys had a technique for handling this steer. They got a rope on the steer and then they tied him neck and neck, right up close, to the burro and let them go.

At first, the burro had a bad time. The steer threw him all over the place. He banged him against trees, rocks, and into bushes. Time after time they both went down. But there was one great difference between the burro and the steer. The burro had an idea. He wanted to go home. And no matter how often the steer threw him, every time the burro got to his feet he took a step nearer the corral. This went on and on. After about a week, the burro showed up at the corral. He had with him the tamest and sorriest-looking steer you ever saw.

As a Christian, you’ve been tied neck and neck with Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit. You can’t get away. And the more you try, the more the Spirit pulls you back on track. By the time God gets you where He finally wants you, you’ll be broken of your stubborn pride…and home!

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