Posts Tagged ‘experience’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

Seven year old Andy had to have his left arm amputated, and it wasn’t easy to adjust to the loss. When he returned to school, his teacher wanted his clasmates to understand how difficult the normal activities of life were for Andy. So one morning she told the other students to keep their left arm behind their back. That meant they all had to do everything with their right hand.

Little things like turning the pages of a book, writing neatly, and keeping the paper from slipping became difficult. Buttoning clothing took extra effort, and tying one’s shoes became impossible. Andy’s classmates discovered that the only way they could really understand his problem was to experience for themselves the difficulties he faced.

Because the Lord Jesus, God’s Son, became a man, He can identify with our trials and temptations. He understands the heartaches, pain, and difficulties we face. Since “He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted” (Hebrews 2:18). He knows what it’s like. Hang in there.

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