Posts Tagged ‘corn’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

This morning in Staff Meeting we asked everyone to tell us the worst thing and the best thing about their Thanksgiving weekend. Everyone had a lot more good that bad to report. My worst thing was eating the casserole corn my wife made (she makes the world’s best casserole corn dish).

During my radiation treatments I had to stay on a strict diet because of the side effects on the digestive system. I’ve been slowly working myself back into a regular diet the past month and doing well. So when I saw that casserole corn dish at the Thanksgiving dinner, I dug in. The next day I was in trouble with serious cramping and dashes to the bathroom. My Radiation Oncologist had earlier warned me about eating corn specifically. So, I guess I still must avoid that.

There’s so many things the Bible tells us to avoid, but, sometimes things look and taste so really good that we forget what we once do. Pain comes along with a fall.

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