Posts Tagged ‘authority’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

In 1540, Frederick Myconius was very sick and about to die. He wrote a farewell letter to his dear friend Martin Luther, who sent back this reply: “I command you in the name of God to live because I still have need of you in the work of reforming the church…The Lord will never ler me hear that you are dead, but will permit you to survive me. For this I am praying, this is my will, and may my will be done, because I seek only to glorify the name of God.”

Myconius, who had become too weak to talk, regained his strength and outlived Luther by two months.

When our primary concern is to glorify God, we can be confident that He will answer our prayers.

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   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Casting Out Cancer

The surgery I’m having done is a radical laproscopic prostatectomy, which means they will be surgically removing the entire prostate gland using robotic procedures through small incisions in my abdomen, rather than opening me up with a large incision requiring a lengthy recovery time. Great advances have been made in recent years with this new procedure and it tends to be much more accurate.

However, there are always risks involved with any surgery. The specific risks involved with prostate removal are that damage could occur to the surrounding muscles or nerves that could result in incontinence and/or impotence. My cancer is in the very early stages and is a 6 on the Gleason scale (medium aggressiveness), so the Dr. shouldn’t have to go into the surrounding tissue, but errors could always occur.

So I would appreciate your prayers for me next week. I don’t need weak and wimpy fear-filled prayers, but positive, faith-filled prayers asking God to intervene and guide the hands of the surgeon. In your prayers, be sure to refer to the blood of Jesus Christ (“By His stripes we are healed“) and pray in the authority of Jesus Christ. And, thankfulness is an important aspect of answered prayer, as well. So, tell Him what you’re thankful for.

By the way, what are you thankful for ?

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