

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Uncategorized

David Paul Tripp, in his book Dangerous Calling: Confronting the Unique Challenges of Pastoral Ministry, recounts a story from the early days of his pastoring a church in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Seminary had prepared him for the academics of preaching, but not the emotional struggles that ministry offers. Discouraged and disillusioned, he announced his resignation from ministry to pursue a teaching career.

On his way out the door that Sunday, he was met by the oldest man in the church. He approached and asked if they could talk. “Paul,” he said, “we know that you’re a bit immature and need to grow up. We know you are a man with weaknesses, but where is the church going to get mature pastors if immature pastors leave?”

He repented and stayed on in that church. Where are the old men and women with that level of maturity today? Let’s encourage the weak (immature) instead of judging them. Growth takes time.

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