

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Uncategorized

I was researching an upcoming sermon by reading a commentary by Arthur W. Pink, one of my favorite authors. It was written during World War 2. He was writing about God’s ability to keep the two spies in Jericho from their enemies when he recounted the following story:

“We deem it more than a coincidence that in the very midst of preparing this article we heard – the first time in five years – from an old reader in Holland. During the last half of that time, while the enemy was occupying that country, our friend and his wife concealed three Jewesses in their home, and the last ten days before liberation actually had two Germans billeted with them; yet no discovery was made of their refugees.”

God is able to hide you when you need hidden, and protect you when you need protected. We are safe in His hands. Believe it.

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One comment


Thank You for the reminder.

May 10th, 2013 at 8:09 am

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