

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Uncategorized

Therefore, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh” (Romans 8:12).

Back in the old days they had a ‘Debtors Prison’. If you couldn’t pay your debts, they locked you up in prison. For good. The modern idea of bankruptcy comes from the Old Testament idea of the Year of Jubilee. Every 49th year (7×7) all land sold to settle debts reverted back to the original family. God is the God of the second chance.

Since we were dead in our sins, and Jesus paid our debt for us, we are now in debt to Him. We owe Him something. Salvation wasn’t really free.

We are not in debt to the flesh, to live in bondage to our sensual appetites, but we are in Debtor’s Prison. I will be eternally in debt to Jesus Christ. I must live my life bankrupt to the world and in servitude to Jesus.

There can be no escape from this prison. It is the way to eternal life and spiritual freedom. And why should I want to escape? He’s the best Owner any slave could have. He loves us.

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One comment

Randy L Sutton

Amen! He is always there with those huge hands to pick us up and encourage us , no matter how “indebted” we are to him.

February 16th, 2013 at 4:12 pm

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