

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Spiritual Gifts

Following up on the statement he had just made in verse 11, regarding not acting childishly anymore, Paul continues to illustrate his point: “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known” (1 Corinthians 13:12).

Glass was a rather new invention in Paul’s day, and it was far from perfect. Light passed through but it was difficult to identify many details through it. Paul says that seeing the truth is like looking through a frosted glass; you can see the light, but we only see dimly. That’s the way it is now, Paul says. Very limited vision when it comes to God’s Kingdom.

However, there will come a day, he is saying, when we will see face to face. Do you think he;’s talking about seeing the Bible face to face? No, he’s talking abou the day Jesus, that which is perfect, returns and we get to see Him face to face. What a day that will be!

Now, today, I know in part, Paul says, but THEN I will understand all mysteries just as God knows every secret about me today. When the Lord returns all our questions will be answered. Right now, we have plenty of questions (and we need spiritual gifts to give us a partial insight), but one day I will understand all those mysteries of the Kingdom.

There is an old chorus that says: “What a Day that will be; When my Jesus I shall see;
When I look upon His face; the One Who saved me by His grace.
When He takes me by the hand, and leads me to the Promised Land.
What a Day, glorious day, that will be”

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