

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Spiritual Gifts

Love…rejoices not in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth” (1 Corinthians 13:6). Here’s a real measurement of God’s love residing in our hearts. What is your reaction when someone else triumphs or fails?

A while back a pastor friend of mine was caught doing something he shouldn’t have been doing. I always sensed everything was not right with him, but had no evidence. When the news came out and his wife decided to leave him, forcing him to lose his job and reputation, something inside of me began rejoicing. My heart felt justified that I was right about him after all. But, immediately conviction gripped my heart because I knew that God’s heart was grieved for this loss. Selfishly, I rejoiced, but understood God grieved. That made me check my own human heart and repent before God. I need to have His heart, not my own.

How many people were hurt over that whole episode? I need to see things through God’s eyes. Then I rejoiced from God’s perspective.

Agape love never rejoices in another’s pain, but rejoices in the truth. When God brings the truth out and someone gets his/her eyes opened to spiritual truth, that’s worth rejoicing over. This all pertains to the operation of spiritual gifts in the body of Christ.

So, what makes you rejoice?

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