

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Uncategorized

Evangelist Oral Roberts was always good at using simple illustrations for spiritual principles. He once told the following story:

“A Sunday school teacher, desiring to help her first grade students understand truth, came upon a simple illustration. She wrote the word “devil” on the chalkboard, then she erased the letter “d”, making the word “evil”.

‘The devil is evil,’ she said, ‘because he always takes away from us.’ Then she wrote the word “God” on the chalkboard and added an “o”, making the word “good.”

‘But God is good,’ she explained, ‘because He is always giving to us.’

Then Oral Roberts summarized, “The devil is a thief who comes to rob us of our joy and hope, our finances, our health, and even life itself. But our God is a giver, ever pouring His blessings upon us from His rich abundance. He is the giver of joy, peace, assurance, comfort, hope, and every other blessing we enjoy in life. And so that we might have eternal life, He gave us the greatest gift of all. He gave His Son to die for our sins.”

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One comment


nice illustration! our pastor at home in MI is good for using simple but memorable illustrations in his preaching too. we really enjoy his teachings and remember some of them years later just because of the illustrations or props he uses…

June 13th, 2012 at 9:35 am

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