

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Uncategorized

When he was in college, Adam had a Music Major. So, Anita and I traveled to the school’s musical programs to support him. The program usually began with students playing with professionals (or at least alumni) in a great orchestra. As the individual musicians arrived and took their seats on the stage, they would begin their tune-ups.

What a racket! No two instruments were together. The music they all performed together was a harsh kind of chaos, each making their own unique sounds (or noises). It was not pleasant, but abrasive.

Then the conductor stepped up on a small platform and tapped his music stand with his baton. Everything fell silent. Then the conductor began to signal with that baton and such a pleasant, calming harmony came from those individual instruments. What made the difference? It was the harmonious leadership and timing of the conductor.

The Holy Spirit is the Great Conductor of the spiritual music produced by the individual members of the Body of Christ. Working together, under the spiritual Conductor’s guidance, we became an example of harmony. Different instruments all harmonizing together to make a beautiful sound. Let’s let the Spirit lead us.

Comment here about the last time you saw some really neat harmony among your brothers and sisters.

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