

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Uncategorized

I’m on vacation this week and spent the day yesterday mowing and doing lawn work. I didn’t have enough gas left for the next mowing, so I hooked up my trailer to my garden tractor, loaded up several plastic gas containers and headed for town. On the way, I was thinking about what to post on this blog today. I was out of ideas.

At the Shell station in Waterloo, I finished filling up my containers and was putting the caps back on them when I heard the guy on the other side of the pump stumble and fall. He was a businessman in a suit and tie, about 50. I think he tripped over the hose. He got up, holding his arm and saying, “Oh, my God! Oh, my God.” Sure enough, he broke his arm. They called the EMS. I really didn’t see it happen and couldn’t do more to help the poor guy, so I rode on back home. But I had something to pray about.

Sometimes the real prayer needs are right in front of us, totally unplanned. If God arranges for us to be there when a crisis occurs, we should expect that God has a plan for us.

Have you recently found yourself in the middle of someone else’s crisis? What did you do?

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This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011 at 8:00 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One comment


Yesterday I was going to lunch with Josh, the leader of http://www.sendnorthamerica.com and the pickup truck right in front of us BLEW a tire…. like a major blowout – the tire even started to come off the rim. Josh quickly prayed, rolled the window down and asked if we could help. The response was from a flustered lady, “I’ve never changed a tire before!”

So we stopped and looked at it. The truck was a very large 4×4 and she had pulled onto a incline and we felt it would be very unsafe to try and change the tire there (which really stunk seeing as we could SEE Tireville a mile away). In this particular case, the solution was as simple as calling AAA (she had it) for a tow, but honestly she was so flustered it would have taken her an hour to figure that out. We waited for her to finish the AAA call, made sure she was okay, offered to pray with her (and did), and Josh left some contact info. It was great.

June 23rd, 2011 at 5:08 am

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