

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Uncategorized

Most of us are familiar with the term “upward mobility.” ‘The Jeffersons’ lived it. If you will remember, the opening line on the old sitcom’s theme song song said, “We’re moving on up to the East Side.” The American Dream espouses the idea that we keep moving upward in society and economy. All of us want to get ahead.

However, Jesus practiced “Downward Mobility”. He emptied Himself of all the glory available to Him in Heaven, and took the form of a ‘slave’ or ‘servant’. He climbed down the ladder to us, and taught us to have the same mindset.

I expect God to bless me and prosper my way. But I expect He will do that as I reach downward to others with greater need. This Saturday. Who will you reach downward to today?

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