

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Uncategorized

Every week churches and organizations have to improvise at the last minute because volunteers didn’t prepare, show up, or even call to say they weren’t coming. Its not fair to the people they are ministering to, and its not fair to those who must step in at the last minute unprepared. I remember a young couple who stopped attending our church years ago because they seemed to get recruited for some fill-in ministry every weekend.

Its God’s design that in the church everyone finds an area of ministry and stays faithful. That makes a strong church. But, it seems the larger the church, the more people sit back and expect someone else to do everything for them.

Jesus taught the parable of the talents to emphasize this truth. He said, referring to the servant who failed to use his one talent: “Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents” (Matthew 25:28 NIV). Fail to use what you’ve been given and you’ll lose it. Use what you’ve got and God will increase it. Down here on earth we’re practicing. Like athletes, we’re training for our big day. Paul said, “They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes…You’re after one that’s gold eternally” (1 Corinthians 9:25). So, practice well.

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