

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Uncategorized

I attended the DeKalb County Ministerial Association meeting Wednesday. There were ministers from all over the county, and we had asked three men who led larger food banks in various towns to give us a report on how things were going. That led to a larger group discussion on how to really help the poor.

One of our members is a Christian Counselor and he began pressing us for programs that really work in the lives of these people who live in perpetual poverty. Another leader spoke up and said, “I think you’re looking for a program that works with them, and there isn’t one. If a person doesn’t want to change, you can’t change them. It takes one-on-one intensive care.” And he shared a success story of a woman that took 2 years to develop.

And I shared that the only thing that changes people is a changed mind, and that’s where ministers come in, and we have our job cut out for us.

What experience do you have working with people with a poverty mentality.

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One comment

Jim and Cindy

My experience has been that they sometimes have just accepted that as a way of life. They seem as if they believe the world owes them something for nothing. It may even be a generational thing that it has been passed down.
This is not true for all, but in these economic times it is difficult to distinguish the difference between those that need help short term and those that are really taking advantage of the situation.
I realize there is a real need in our communities right now, and I don’t mean to sound callous about it, but I think there may be more people taking advantage than those that just need a help up from there current circumstances.

January 13th, 2011 at 2:24 pm

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