
GOOD-BYE, 2010

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Uncategorized

This is the last day of 2010. Its a good time to reflect back over the year and put closure to the things that didn’t go too well. At the beginning of the year I was diagnosed with severe blockage on the back side of my heart. I’ve worked hard to keep my weight down, avoid grease and sugar, and work out on the treadmill. I haven’t felt that angina for months.

Then I had to deal with unresponsive hypertension. My cardiologist put me on a heap of medicine to control it. By year’s end my blood pressure is usually perfect.

Then my doctor diagnosed me with pre-diabetes and put me on diabetes medicine. That scared me enough that I went on a serious sugar-free diet. Soon I went through episodes that were like sugar lows, with what I called anxiety attacks and shakes. In December I had a follow-up test and the doctor said everything was normal and took me off the diabetes medicine altogether.

By mid-year I had been diagnosed with prostate cancer they did not get when they removed my prostate two years ago. I went through a round of hormone therapy and radiation therapy that took the stamina right out of me. But by December I am recovering well and slowly getting my strength back.

2010 was a difficult year for me, but 2011 promises to be brighter and healthier. What was your biggest struggle to overcome in 2010?

This entry was posted on Friday, December 31st, 2010 at 8:00 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

3 comments so far

Michelle McBride

My biggest struggle for 2010 was finding a job. I looked and prayed and finally got one at the end of October. I didn’t think that I would have the money for Christmas or to pay some bills, but the praise the Lord, he provided a job for me. God is so very good!!

December 31st, 2010 at 3:22 pm
Cindy & Jim

My biggest struggle of 2010 was being diagnosed with major depressive disorder and anxiety. I struggled with it for months and nearly fell completely apart. I struggled taking care of my family. I could not eat, I had nightmares, could not sleep and became fearful of almost everything. I began to lose my decsion making ability even with daily tasks and began to lose my motor skills. I tried to control it on my own and had many many dark days. I prayed for the Lord to heal me over and over. He did just in his own way, and in his own time. I went through many struggles and losses trying it on my own. But now I am happy to report that God sent me a friend to go through it with me and gave me the good sense to finally trust a doctor and did the necessary steps to get to recovery. I have recieved my joy back and am just seeking an opportunity to glorify God with the whole experience and hopefully help other people that may have this issue. You can lose many things like jobs, money, whatever, but losing your joy and zest for life is far worse than any material things. He will never leave us or forsake us and for that I am thankful. God is such a good God! This experience has given me back my personal relationship with Christ and I am happy to be able to call him my Father and my friend!

December 31st, 2010 at 3:45 pm

Brother Ralph, Thanks for your example in the prostate process! Mine has gone from 5 in 2009 to 9.08 this month. I also am on Exodus 15:26.
In the midst of the success of Heal Our Land in the UK in 2010, there were hard things to deal with and that was the death of four close relatives in the family. 90 yr old mother and cousin in January , Brother in law in July, younger brother (suddenly) in August, all in Ireland and my cousin in England.
God has proved Himself in all these things and He is absolutely the God of all Comfort!

January 29th, 2011 at 11:05 am

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