

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Trials of Our Faith

Millions of people are afraid to fly by air. Many of them know very well what the statistics say – that they are safer in an airplane than in the family car or the bathtub. But that doesn’t matter. Researchers say that a conscious fear of crashing is usually not the problem. Instead, at the root of their anxiety is the fear that once they leave the ground they will lose control of their lives.

A similar crisis of faith occurs when a person puts himself in the care of God. He/she too is carried a long way from what the world considers “solid ground”. Trusting an invisible Lord can be frightening, especially for a new Christian.

Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding.

This entry was posted on Monday, September 7th, 2009 at 8:00 am and is filed under Trials of Our Faith. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One comment

Rene' Bute

Just last night, a televangelist used this verse and spoke of finally letting go so that God can do what he has planned. If we will TRULY (which is what I personally struggle with) let go and let God handle it, He has ways to solve our situation that ONLY he could have thought of….answers that we couldn’t have imagined. He even quoted a story where a vaccum salesman came to the home of a young man that was dieing, in need of a kidney. The young man had finally handed it over to God, and after this salesman went back to his car, he felt that God told him to give the young man his kidney. He went back up to the house with the far-fetched proposal (since he didn’t know that the guy needed a kidney) and told him what God had said, and long story short, they went to the hospital, and they were a perfect match. They performed the transplant and both are well. God has answers…sometimes, even a vaccuum ssalesman. We just have to LET Him have the opportunity.

September 7th, 2009 at 5:18 pm

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