

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Casting Out Cancer

Yesterday, with a funeral and church, I wore a belt all day for the first time since surgery. By the time I got home, one of my incisions was really sore (right under the belt). So I was glad to go back to the sweat pants today.

We left at 9AM to drive to Nashville and arrived about 4:30PM Indiana time. We didn’t see any sunshine until we got into Nashville. Its 50° today, a big change from the 37 you all experienced. We saw light traffic and no accidents. At least I think so, as I slept while Anita drove this time. Its more comfortable for me to recline the seat back.

The first thing my 5-year old granddaughter wanted to do was color with me, so I tried my best to stay within the lines, until my 17-month old grandson wanted to do the same thing, and he scribbled all over my fine artwork.  I’m sure glad I didn’t get a grade on that final artwork.

What memories do you have of Nashville, Tennessee?

This entry was posted on Thursday, November 20th, 2008 at 6:51 pm and is filed under Casting Out Cancer. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

3 comments so far

Jan Coleman

Oh my! I remember going to David Lipcomb College, right out of high school, and it was culture shock. I saw bathrooms with “no colored” signs, and drinking fountains too. And this in a church institution. Thankfully, I do hope that times have changed. Went to the Grand ole’ opra, thinking I was going to a real Oprah performance for the first time. A shock. Anyway, you asked!! Those are my memories.

I’m glad to hear you are getting stronger all the time, and I sure to think about you. Jan

November 21st, 2008 at 2:22 pm
Chris & Sue

We remember visiting Jenny & Josh with our three kids and going to the Nashville Zoo and riding an elephant. We also went to the Science Center and had a great time. It was on this trip that we found out Jenny was expecting Lauren.
Our second visit was just Chris & I and we we had just came from North Carolina and were able to stop by for a day and visit to celebrate my 40th birthday.

November 21st, 2008 at 5:28 pm
Sharon S.

We always enjoy the music and restaurants in a different place that is new to us. Sometimes, we utilize the tour buses. In Nashville, we had an awesome Grayline tour. The fella really showed us the city. Since he was a wannabe, he sang to us as he drove. BJ and I really had a great time together.

November 24th, 2008 at 10:33 am

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