Posts Tagged ‘works’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

Paul wrote to Timothy: “I am writing you these instructions so that, if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:14-15). Did you realize that there should be a behavior code in the church? Some behavior is acceptable, and other is not.

Now, Paul doesn’t discuss wearing a hat in church or whether people should dress up. He doesn’t speak about cell phone protocol or how to treat a guest. He doesn’t even address new Christians that come in looking, acting, and smelling like the world. If a church is going to be evangelistic, we should expect such things.

But the rules he places on people in 1 Timothy have to do with leaders in the church. We put up with much from new baby Christians. We expect them to throw fits and act selfishly, but there comes a time when spiritual people are supposed to grow up and start acting responsibly. Responsible people don’t want to be carried anymore. Responsible and mature Christians look for someone else they can carry. They want to build the Lord’s church, not burden it.

Where are the mature Christian men and women who will stand tall, challenge the spiritual enemy, take God at His word, and invest in others? Paul says, “If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?” (1 Timothy 3:5). You see, God’s church is a family. Children are expected to grow up. Paul makes it clear, if they don’t practice godly principles outside the church, they cannot be leaders within the church. He is advising Timothy to choose carefully who those leaders will be based upon their conduct.

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   Posted by: pastordiehl    in God's Grace

Dwight L. Moody illustrated grace like this in a late 1800s sermon:

“Remember, salvation is a free gift, and it is a free gift for us. Can you buy it? It is a free gift, presented to “whosoever” will accept it.

Suppose I were to say, I will give this Bible to “whosoever” will take it; what have you got to do? Why, nothing but take it. But a man comes forward, and says: “I’d like that Bible very much.”

“Well, didn’t I say ‘whosoever’ will can have it?”

“Yes; but I’d like to have you mention my name.”

“Well, here it is.”

Still he keeps eyeing the Bible, and saying, “I’d like to have that Bible; but I’d like to give you something for it. I don’t like to take it for nothing.”

“But I am not here to sell Bibles; take it, if you want it.”

“Well, I want it; but I’d like to give you something for it. Let me give you a cent for it; though, to be sure, it’s worth about five dollars.”

Suppose I accept the cent; the man takes up the Bible and marches away home with it.

His wife asks, “Where did you get that Bible?”

“Oh, I bought it.”

Mark the point: when he gave the penny, it ceased to be a gift. So with salvation. If you were to pay ever so little, it would not be a gift.

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   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

Dwight L. Moody, the great Chicago evangelist of the latter 1800s, described people’s efforts to earn their salvation like a child on a rocking horse: “beautiful active motion, but there is no progress”.

In our basement, we have a treadmill that allows Anita and I to get exercise when the weather is inclement. All winter long we can take walks in the warmth of our own home. Our treadmill measures how far we’ve gone, how fast we’re going, and how many miles we’ve traveled. But a treadmill is like the rocking horse: beautiful active motion, but there is no progress.

Have you ever felt like you were on a spiritual treadmill, going around and around but getting no place? There can be no progress on a treadmill. Only when the breath of life from the Holy Spirit comes upon us can we move forward. I recognize my need every day.

How about you? Are you making progress or are you on the treadmill?

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   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

The Apostle Paul said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household” (Acts 16:31). But what does it mean to “believe”?

Suppose you got really sick and go to see the doctor. After a thorough examination, he says you’ve contracted a fatal disease, but medical science has discovered a cure. You may be convinced that he is the best physician available, that his diagnosis is accurate, and that the medication he prescribes is your only hope. But you do not take it. Does your “belief” save you? No.

You must take the medicine. If you just lie there believing and refuse to take the remedy, you will die! So it is with God’s offer of salvation. Let’s get up and be healed! “Faith without works in dead” (James 2:20).

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