Posts Tagged ‘Virgin birth’


Merry Christmas

   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

In 1965 Charles Schultz introduced ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’, and it has since become a classic. In this simple story the Peanuts gang is getting ready for a Christmas play and nobody is paying attention. Charlie Brown finally yells out in frustration, “Isn’t there ANYONE who knows what Christmas is about?” Finally Linus steps up to quote the Christmas story, straight from the Bible.

According to a recent Gallup poll survey, a large majority of the US population believes in the Virgin birth of Jesus Christ according to the biblical account. But does anyone really know what Christmas is about? The commercialism of the west makes us ask the question anew. How many people will bury themselves even deeper in debt in a vain attempt to purchase their children’s love? And the precedent (no pun intended) we set under the tree each year locks the next generation into the same pattern of holiday indebtedness.

Let me encourage everyone to take a few moments this Christmas to read the Christmas story with your family. And reflect on what Christmas is supposed to be from God’s perspective. Someone has got to be reminded of what Christmas is about.

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