Posts Tagged ‘productivity’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

I start a two-week vacation in one week.  My schedule is crazy next week, so I had to put my nose to the grindstone this week to get prepared for my two-week absence.  Its amazing how much work can get done when we’re under pressure.  Someone said that the most productive work day of the year is the last day before vacation.

Why do we allow so many other non-essentials to take up our time, but when we’re forced to action, the priorities rule?  Perhaps its a discipline issue.  Here are some suggestions for getting the priorities done:

1) Determine what your priorities are.  What has to be done today, what can wait until tomorrow, and what can really wait until next week, and then work on them in that order.

2) Delegate what someone else can do.  You need to do what only you can do, and ask for help in areas where others can help.

3) Don’t allow non-priorities like a phone call or email to side-track you from your priorities.  Return those calls and emails when they fit your schedule, not the other way around.

4) Don’t become bogged down by the process.  Some of us are good leaders but bad managers.  The task ahead looks overwhelming so we don’t know where to start.  Solicit help on the how-to if that’s your problem.  Some people excel at the process.

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