Posts Tagged ‘pastors’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

If your pastor (not me, of course), needs to be ousted from the church, here are some ideas on how to get rid of him:

  • Look your pastor straight in the eye while he is preaching and say amen once in a while.  He’ll preach himself to death.
  • Pat him on the back and tell him his good points. Before you know it, he’ll work himself to death.
  • Rededicate your own life to Christ and ask your minister for a job to do. He’ll die of heart failure.
  • Get the church to unite in prayer for him. Soon he’ll become so effective that a larger church will take him off your hands.

I know some lazy pastors who didn’t start out that way. They became lazy in ministry because the church people and leadership were lazy. Everyone wanted to coast and the pastor became weary and gave up.

Paul wrote to a young minister, “Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor” (1 Timothy 5:17).



Unrealistic Expectations

   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

Another interesting observation from the Reveal survey was that new Christians seemed very satisfied with their church, but the longer a person attended their church, the more dissatisfied they became with the church.  Why would that be?

Perhaps its because when a new Christian starts attending the church, everything is new and challenging for them.  There are new things to learn and new activities and people to meet and try out.  Spiritual growth happens rapidly in the first years.  A person learns that the pastor will always feed them every time they come to church.  Someone will always meet a need in their lives.  But as they mature, people are not taught to feed themselves spiritually or seek God to find answers for themselves.  They keep expecting the church to do it all for them.  Thus, they soon become disillusioned with the pastor and the church.

Perhaps we should challenge new Christians with what they should expect from the church and not let them get this unrealistic expectation up front.  The church should be providing ministry opportunities, but it is the individual Christian’s responsibility to feed themselves and get into small groups even if they create their own.

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