Posts Tagged ‘lessons’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

Saturday morning I was asked to speak to Cancer survivors and their caregivers and supporters at the DeKalb County Relay for Life, which is a fund-raiser for cancer research. I was surprised they asked me, because I’ve never been involved with the Relay for Life (formerly known as Walk-for-Life). My first thought was that really didn’t fit my purpose, but then I thought about what an opportunity it was to speak to people facing a life-threatening disease about hope.

So, I shared about some lessons I learned battling prostate cancer:
1. I am Not Invincible.
A. Things Happen That Aren’t Supposed to Happen.
B. To Reevaluate What I’ve Been Taught.
C. To Deal With My Own Mortality.
2. God Will Direct Me.
A. He Arranges Coincidences.
B. Everyone Has A Home Remedy.
3. I Am An Overcomer.
A. To Make the Most of Every Day.
B. To Have Empathy With Others.
C. I Can Encourage Others.

These are things I have learned the hard way. Any lessons you could add that you’ve learned while going through the fire?

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   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

Today is Pearl Harbor Day, the anniversary of the Japanese sneak attack on the US Naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in 1941. The event ushered in American participation in World War II, and was the basis for a multitude of Hollywood films over the years.

When the most recent Pearl Harbor movie was released, I took my boys and Leon Kessler to see it at the Garrett theater. I wanted my sons to hear what Leon had to say about the movie. You see, Leon was a young Marine stationed at Pearl Harbor during the attack. Along with everyone else, Leon didn’t understand what was happening early that Sunday morning. But he grabbed his cap and ran toward the naval yard, not wanting to miss out on all the excitement, whatever it was. He remembers a Japanese plane flew over him so low that the wind blew his cap off.

I was a little embarrassed, and it was a good thing we went on a Monday night, when there were only 3 or 4 others in the theater. Leon, not accustomed to public theaters, spoke right out loud, “Why, they’re killin’ way too many people,” and later, “Now that would never have happened!” But it was an educational experience for all of us.

In Exodus 23:9 God challenges Israel to live based upon what they had learned the hard way. I think its important that we all learn from lessons others have experienced; that will add wisdom to us without the pain they experienced.

What lessons have you learned from others?

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