Posts Tagged ‘labor’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

New Hope’s second missions project was to build a school for African nationals among the Kwa-Zulu people in South Africa. They relayed an interesting story from these people. In the 1970s or 1980s the government dug irrigation ditches on both sides of a river. This allowed the rich land to be farmed.

The Christian Zulus on one side of the river produced rich crops and prospered. The traditional animist worshipers on the other side continued to live in abject poverty, producing almost nothing on the same kind of soil. Why?

The Christians believed they were responsible before God to work hard and live soberly. Their pagan neighbors, on the other hand, viewed work as the women’s responsibility, while the men spent their time drinking and fighting.

Paul advised the Ephesians church, “Let him labor, working with his hands what is good” (Ephesians 4:28). We have a choice to work and prosper, or play stay poor. Do something constructive!

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   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

I heard the story of a man who visited a stone quarry and asked three of the workers what they were doing.

“Can’t you see?” said the first one irritably. “I’m cutting a stone.”

The second replied, “I’m earning a paycheck.”

But the third put down his pick and thrust out his chest proudly. “I’m building a cathedral,” he said.

Which one was correct? They all were. They were all doing the same thing, yet their perspective of the value of their labors was entirely different.

The Preacher advised us, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might” (Ecclesiastes 9:10). Do all as unto the Lord.

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   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

The story is told of a man who visited a stone quarry and asked three of the workers what they were doing.

“Can’t you see?” said the first one irritably, “I’m cutting a stone.”

The second replied, “I’m earning my paycheck.”

But the third put down his pick and thrust out his chest proudly. “I’m building a cathedral,” he said.

Each was doing the same activity, but each viewed his labor differently: as a necessary evil to keep bread on the table; as a means to a sizable bank account; as self-fulfillment and identity; as an economic obligation within society; or as a means to a life of leisure.

Think about it. What have you done today?

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   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

According to The History of Early Education in Eastern DeKalb County they had a unique method (by today’s standards) for construction of a new school building. Back in the middle 1800s, each township was responsible for public education, and had multiple one- or two-room schoolhouses strategically placed around the township. Many of these buildings still stand today.

In 1849 a new brick school building was to be built in Wilmington Township. Every adult male in that township between the ages of 21 and 50 was taxed two days labor on the facility. I don’t know how they paid for building materials, but we know how they got the labor: they ordered it.

I’ve often contemplated how to recruit more laborers for the Kingdom within our church. We can’t just “tax them”. And we can’t afford to pay them. What do you think is a solution to the labor problem among the many ministries of the church?

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