Posts Tagged ‘Kissinger’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

During World War II when Europe was infected with antisemitism, an 11-year old boy named Heinz learned about planting “seeds of peace.” Confronted by Hitler’s thugs who roamed the streets looking for trouble, Heinz didn’t fight back or walk away. Instead, he witnessed firsthand how the tongue can create peace. Whenever a beating seemed inevitable, he used words to convince his enemy that fighting wasn’t necessary. Years later, after his family escaped to America, Heinz’s name became synonymous with peace negotiations. In fact, he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973! You know him better as former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. And even though he generally downplayed his earlier experiences, you have to wonder if his training started backs on the streets of Europe.

Perhaps God is preparing you today for what He wants to accomplish through you later. Hang in there; you can make it.

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   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Change and You

One more blog on change. Henry Kissinger is a sought after expert on world affairs. Few people understand what happens around the world politically more than him. He said this of change: “For any student of history, change is the law of life. Any attempt to contain it guarantees an explosion down the road; the more rigid the adherence to the status quo, the more violent the ultimate outcome will be.”

On a lighter note, Ken Gaub says it like this: “If you continue to think like you always thought, you’ll always get what you always got!”

Ready or not, your life will change!

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