Posts Tagged ‘heart’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

That little lump in the front of your throat has been called your ‘Adam’s Apple’, from the idea that the forbidden fruit got stuck in Adam’s throat when he ate it. The sin did not stick in his throat; it went deeper down into the very springs of his being. Jesus said, “the heart is deceitful.”

It is still the belief of many that a man may have a good heart and a bad life. Proverbs 4:23 says: “Out of the heart are the issues of life.” Nancy Honeytree used to say that we all have in our heart either acid or honey. When we get kicked is when what is on the inside spills out: either honey or acid. The kicks in life reveal what’s really in there.

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   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

Everyone loves Kilnger. You know, the Lebanese Corporal in M*A*S*H* who will do next to anything to get out of the Army. Klinger makes everyone laugh except his Colonel. Klinger does his job well, however. He has a sense of duty and never really shirks important responsibilities. His one problem is his heart is not in it. He really wants to be back in Toledo with his Mom.

I wonder how many Christians are like Klinger. They do their duty, like showing up in church every weekend and giving in the offering, but their heart is really not in it. They rarely deny their selfish desire and will not go out of their way to share faith with another. They wear the “uniform” of a soldier, but, like Klinger, keep slipping in to the “dress” of a civilian. Poor Klinger’s heart is back in Ohio. Where is yours?
