Posts Tagged ‘groan’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now” (Romans 8:22).

Groaning is an expression of any kind of agony or discomfort. But, “travails” is a word specifically associated with labor pains. As a mother carries a growing child inside her womb, she first rejoices in the hope that is coming. She preps for the coming baby with great expectancy. Her emotions are exciting for the possibilities. But, as the months go on and the baby grows inside of her, she becomes increasingly uncomfortable. She eventually wearies of the burden this huge load takes on her comfort and health. Her patience grows thin. When labor pains come she groans in pain increasingly until the deliverance finally arrives.

And our world, weary under the curse and its “bondage of corruption“, is now beginning to cry out with groanings under the burden. There is an increasing concern over overpopulation, natural disasters are becoming more and more catastrophic, and even the geologic planet is crying out in earthquakes and eruptions from deep within. This is creation groaning and travailing until now.

The labor pains are getting closer together. Better get ready.

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