Posts Tagged ‘earthquake’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

Back in December 2004 there was a great earthquake deep under the sea in Asia. A resulting Tsunami destroyed hundreds of miles of coastline villages and thousands of lives were lost. But amazing survival stories began to leak out.

A news report said that only 7 of the remote Indonesian island of Simuelue’s 75,000 inhabitants died when 30-foot waves struck just half an hour after the quake. For decades, the people had heard stories told by their grandparents of giant waves that killed thousands on this same island in 1907. So, when the ground shook and the sea retreated from the shore, the people recalled their grandparents’ warnings and fled to high ground.

There is a moral, cultural, and economical earthquake going on in our world right now. We’ve got to be blind not to feel it shaking. But, will we run for high ground while we still have time? The book of Revelation warns: “Come out from among her.” Heed the warnings.

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   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

This morning I was watching the news from earthquake devastated Haiti. They were interviewing the leader of a Christian mission team waiting to get on a military transport or something to get home. I thought to myself, “You’re on a missions trip! Go do some mission work and help dig out somebody”. I understand the team cannot be cared for without water, but it just seemed a little out of place to want to run away.

Haiti seems to go from one crisis to another. This morning Pat Robertson was the big talk as they showed him saying that the earthquake was the fault of the Haitians. He explained that Haiti made a pack with the devil decades ago where they agreed to serve Satan if he would deliver them from the French (cultural carry-over of voodoo from Africa). News commentator Ju Ju Chang noted that this was an “old legend”. What the media doesn’t understand is that the duly elected president of Haiti goes through a formal ritual every year during their version of Mardi Gras rededicating the country to the devil. Is it any wonder Haiti is the poorest nation in the Western hemisphere?

So, I would agree that Haiti’s economy is their own fault, but, can we be sure that this earthquake was God’s judgment for their sin? We Christians will ruin our witness if we blame every unfortunate event on God. What do you think? Was the earthquake God’s judgment?

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