Posts Tagged ‘diversity’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

In Genesis 4:17-22, there is a listing of the first descendants of Adam and Eve and how they invested their lives. These are clearly not Neaderthal cave-dwellers. They were skilled craftsman. Look at the list and variety:

Cain was a Builder, Adah was a Tent Rancher, Jubal was a Musician, and Tubal-Cain was a Metal Smith. What they did was diverse, skilled, and allowed them to serve and depend upon each other. They didn’t all copy one another. They each had a degree of expertise to offer society that the others did not.

I believe there is a lesson here for the Church of Jesus Christ. None of us has nothing to offer. And each of us is expected to develop a uniqueness about what we do that others need. Whether your gift is building, ranching, music-making, metal-working, or something else, let’s each do what we do for the glory of God. Find someone you can serve with your gift. Expect diversity in the Lord’s Harvest. Its been that way from the beginning.

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   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

I like potatoes. I like them fried, baked, browned, chipped, or mashed. But what if potatoes was the only thing I ever ate? My body would soon become sick because it needs meat, vegetables and fruit, as well. A balanced diet keeps us healthy.

Relate that to your church world. Although you may like one style of church music, perhaps we would be more balanced in our faith if we exposed ourselves to different styles. Diversity is what keeps any church healthy. Some of God’s choicest characters were culturally diverse. Consider Moses, raised by an Israelite nanny (actually his God-fearing mother) but educated in the idolatrous Egyptian palace as royalty. Also consider Peter, who was so prejudiced he thought God only used Jews, until God straightened him out saying, “If God says something is acceptable, don’t say it isn’t” (Acts 10:15 NLT).

Paul said, “I try to find common ground with everyone…that I might bring them to Christ” (1 Corinthians 9:22). Apply that to your life today.

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