Posts Tagged ‘covenant’



   Posted by: pastordiehl    in Uncategorized

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). This is something that all Christians should automatically know and have confidence in.

God is inherently good. But God is also inherently just. He demands justice. That’s the value of the cross. None of these promises work for self-righteous people who don’t need the cross, because God demands justice. Having paid the greatest price to redeem our sin, by paying for it with the precious blood of His own Son, Jesus Christ, He can now be both just and good in our lives. Grace is only available when justice has been served. Thank you, Jesus!

Since we have embraced the covenant relationship we have with God the Father, through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, and made aware of such by the revealing of the Holy Spirit, we now begin to wrap our minds around this greatest of all promises to the saints, His church.

Because the Spirit of God intercedes for me continually, with requests I can’t grasp or understand, I walk by faith in Him, trusting Him to work out His goodness in me, in spite of my many failings. That’s grace.

If you have not entered into this covenant relationship with Christ that satisfies God’s just demands, do it right now. You don’t have to be in church. You can do this at your computer or iPhone. Just do it quickly so God can begin to implement His purposes in your life.

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