

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Uncategorized

Years ago I was contacted one evening by the Waterloo Police. They had a distraught woman and asked if I would meet with her. It seems her husband, who was a respected contractor, had just left her and their children for another woman. I met her in my office and asked what she thought was the biggest problem in their marriage. She replied in great frustration, “He just doesn’t understand that I don’t like sex!” I thought to myself, “Oh, I think he understands that just fine.”

God has given each of us this drive to be intimate with the opposite sex. God created man “male and female”. The first command in the Bible is to be fruitful and multiply. And we know where babies come from. A fulfilling sex life with our married partner is a part of God’s plan for us. But, we humans have a way of perverting God’s beautiful gift. Nothing is more personal and emotional than sexual intimacy. And nothing is more devastating to a marriage relationship than rejection.

When that “death” of intimacy enters the relationship it increases the frustration until something snaps. In this case, it was the husband’s will to stay in a loveless relationship. If they had sought counseling about that breakdown, they likely could have bridged that gap. When you can no longer work out the differences in this most significant aspect of marriage, sometimes you need to get an “unemotional” third party to guide you through. Fight for what God has given you and never let it die.


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