

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Uncategorized

Everyone that God uses has a ‘moment of surrender’ when we relinquish control of our lives over to God. You can’t be free without it. Jesus had one of those moments in Matthew 26. In anguish over His future, He prayed, “O my Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not my will, but yours be done” (v. 39). After He finished that prayer, He awoke His disciples and said, “Rise, let us be going” (v. 46).

From that instant, Jesus was a changed man – fully released, fully understanding His mission. Never again did He refer to the weakness of the flesh of His disciples or ask for His own way. With authority and purpose, and the peace of God, He went forward. He could do this because He was released from Himself and His personal drive for that illusive ‘happiness’.

I have had several of those surrender moments when I finally resolved within myself to give a situation over to God. It is renewing and refreshing to finally let go of control and let God fly my plane. And a deep settled peace sweeps over. Now I can say with resolve, “Self, Rise and let us be going.”

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