

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Uncategorized

Proverbs 14:1 says, “Every wise woman builds her house: but the foolish plucks it down with her hands.”

In an interesting twist, the Proverb writer changes his usual format of writing referring to men; in this Proverb, he refers to a wise or foolish woman. The writer is not talking here about physical construction, which would be men’s work. He is talking, rather, about building the home. The home should be a place of peace and security. It should be a place where everyone finds renewal and refreshing at the end of their day.

A wise woman builds that place of peace and security, for she knows she herself will be renewed by it. But the foolish woman rails on about all she does not have and gripes about what could have been. She commits relational suicide by pulling her own home down on top of her.

Are you wise or foolish? Think about this today.

This entry was posted on Monday, June 24th, 2013 at 7:00 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One comment

Diana Waters


June 25th, 2013 at 2:22 am

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