

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Uncategorized

There is a sense of grandeur about the Bible. It talks about the creation of the universe in Genesis and the consummation of God’s big plan in Revelation. It talks about a global flood, the earth standing still and the dead being raised. The Bible talks about a literal heaven and a literal hell. This Word of God simply inspires awe in us.

And yet the life of the gospel is in our conveying the love of God to people who are hurting, whether they believe in God or not. The Bible allows me to participate in the grandeur of God’s plan by just loving and caring for people. We rarely think about how grand it is to serve God in the workplace, in school, or in my neighborhood. But, its the truth.

As God knows how to humble Himself to come to our aide, we humble humans have a opportunity to step into a scale well beyond ourselves, actually being the hands of God. Wow! You’re not as lowly as you thought you were. Let’s do some grand things today!

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