

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Uncategorized

Two nimrods flew deep into remote Canada for elk hunting. Their pilot, seeing they had bagged six elk, told them the plane could carry only four out.

“But the plane that carried us out last year was exactly like this one,” the hunters protested. “The horsepower was the same, the weather was similar, and we had six elk then.”

Hearing this, the pilot reluctantly agreed to try. They loaded up and took off, but sure enough, there was insufficient power to climb out of the valley with all that weight, and they crashed. As they stumbled from the wreckage, one hunter asked the other if he knew where they were.

“Well, I’m not sure,” replied the second, “but I think we’re about two miles from where we crashed last year.”

Doing the same thing again but expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. If you want a different result, you have to do something different. Let’s all wise up.

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