

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Uncategorized

In a Bill Moyers interview, Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D., made reference to the work of Marshall Klaus, one of her former colleagues at Stanford Medical School. Klaus, who was chief of the intensive care nursery, conducted an experiment in which half the babies in the nursery would be treated as usual, that is to say with high-tech incubators and millions of dollars of equipment, and the other half would be touched for fifteen minutes every few hours. Nurses would simply take their “pinky” finger and gently rub it down the backs of these tiny infants.

This was out of the ordinary as these intensive care babies were not often touched for fear of getting germs on them. The results were astounding. They discovered that the babies who were touched survived better. Dr. Remen said, “No one knows why. Maybe there’s something about touching that strengthens the will to live. Maybe isolation weakens us.”

What do you think is the secret of these babies’ increased survival?

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4 comments so far


I believe isolation does weaken us. It leaves us open to infection and deception because we don’t have anyone loving us enough to redirect us when we might be heading off in a wrong direction or wrong thinking. We need each other so very much. We think all this technology is opening doors to new relationships, and it might very well be doing that…but it is not a substitute for the warmth of a physical touch, a loving spoken word and real smile. Being so far from the ones we love, I have come to treasure the people who have physically reached out to me and my kids. A hug these days is a real treasure and I am so very sorry for the people who don’t realize what they are missing by isolating themselves behind a computer or away from a loving church family. We need to pray that we all be drawn back together and that we be bold enough to reach out–physically–and touch people with God’s love.

September 26th, 2009 at 11:54 am

Even those of us who are very independent and self-sufficient NEED other people. I have known a few that put forth a facade of needing no one. When they get honest, they realize how weak we ALL are. I find a loving touch to be very valuable to our homebound and isolated seniors. Simply holding their hand for a while or kissing them on the check or forehead really brightens their day. I think they might just feel a flow of God’s love through us. The “River”.

September 26th, 2009 at 12:55 pm
Rene' Bute

Having spent an awful lot of time in the NICU with my son, I have seen first hand, babies that go for days at a time without so much as a word from a healthcare provider. These babies are often listed as ‘failure to thrive’ when the only difference between them and the baby next door is whether the parents or someone comes to visit regularly. They have started using touch therapy however in some of the places we are at. Someone comes in and just sits and holds the babies or talks to them. It is making a real difference.
It is a human need to connect with someone, and it is evident even at that early stage. Look at how much emphasis is placed on mother/child bonding in the first few days. We all need a connection, whether we are 50 minutes old, or 50 years.

September 27th, 2009 at 3:57 pm
kerry Dickey

A set of twins, a boy and girl, were born to a young mother both under weight and needing an incubator. The girls heart beat was not good and much care was needed for her as her brother was doing much better, so a nurse came up with an idea of putting the two together and lo and behold the first day as they lay side by side the brothers little arm was seen draped over his sister and soon her heart beat began to climb and they are both healthy and beautiful siblings today. find someone who needs that hug, phone call, e-mail, visit, letter, and bless their life to get that heart beating stronger for the Lord, today! All in love Kerry D.

September 30th, 2009 at 12:49 pm

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