
On the Warpath

   Posted by: pastordiehl   in Uncategorized

We just got back from vacation. We rented a cabin in the Great Smokey Mountains and invited our three kids and their kids to spend a couple of days with us. We spent a day driving through the Smokey Mountain National Park. A highlight of the trip was a tour of a genuine Cherokee Indian village just south of the National Park on the Cherokee Indian Reservation in North Carolina. These Indians had reconstructed an Indian village from the 1700’s and demonstrated crafts those early Indians would have made in that time. Included was a lecture by an Indian named Buck Squirrel explaining the culture of the day. This was especially interesting to Anita, as we are fairly certain she has Cherokee ancestry. We even bought a resource book on researching Cherokee genealogy that may help in our future research.

That is why I am fascinated with the Bible. It helps me stay focused on my spiritual roots. Although the world’s culture has changed since Bible times, spiritual culture has not. The church is still about giving hope to the lost, seeing people set free from bondages, and developing spiritual family relationships that last. Let’s read the Bible as a resource book designed by God Himself to teach us about our spiritual connections.

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